Forensic psychiatry is a subspecialty of psychiatry that assists mentally ill people who are a risk to the public. Mentally ill offenders in prisons, secure hospitals, and members of the community are assessed and treated. The specialisation also looks into the link between mental illness and criminal behaviour and works with law enforcement. Forensic psychiatrists work together with law enforcement, probation, courts, and prisons. A forensic psychiatrist has additional training and experience in mental health beside the law.
The majority of forensic psychiatrists work in Forensic psychiatry services in the community, hospitals, prisons, and Medium secure units.
A forensic psychiatrist's specific responsibilities include:
• Risk evaluation
• Assisting patients in understanding their risk
• Support patients in lowering their risk
• Helping patients in comprehending their mental illness
• Anger management, stress management, employability, and substance abuse are all addressed.
• Rehabilitation back into society
• Offering aid to family and friends
• Strong ties to criminal justice agencies
• In charge of patient care teams
• Medication administration
• Patient representation in tribunals
• Evaluation of patients for court appearances
• Performing risk assessments on mental illness people within communities
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